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Twelveth Month is Adar
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Adar is the last, twelveth one among the months of the year, if counting them from the spring month of Nisan, as Biblical law requires. The constellation of Pisces corresponds to Adar as far as it is exactly on this month that breeding for most fish in rivers and lakes takes place. The constellation of Pisces is the symbol of blessing coz fish is hidden from alien looks under the water and no evil eye has power over it. No damnation has power over it as well. Fish survived even during World-Wide Flood coz it kept on behaving the way it was preset to it. In general, fish never couples but with fish of its own species.
The month running under the sign of blessing brings happiness for the peoples of the world as well. As fish lives in the water as world is plunged in Tora which is compared to Aqua Vitae.
Besides, the constellation name of Dagim (Pisces - Biblical language translation) represents the only plural noun among other constellation names of all other Biblical months - the hint for the fact there can be not only one but two months of Adar.
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