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Thirteenth Month is Adar Beit
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In each leap year one more month is added to twelve months. It's called Adar Beit and means one more, second additional month of Adar. Besides in fact it becomes thirteenth month of the year, the ordinal number of the month and its constellation doesn't change. Second Adar should also be called twelveth month of the year.
But why is it exactly Adar to get doubled in leap Biblical years? The matter is if any previous month is doubled, Adar will not be twelveth month and it can not be done like that. The very doubling pursues one main goal: to make the month of Nisan be always spring month, that is to make it fall onto the period of cereals ripening as it is commanded in Tora where it's written (Dvarim 16:1): "Keep the month of spring". Besides, the presence of thirteenth month in Bible says this time is above natural cycle and stars and it's G-d Who rules this time directly on His own.
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