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Home :: Calendar :: Sixth Month is Elul

Sixth Month is Elul

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Elul is the sixth month of Biblical calendar. The constellation of the month is Virgo. It is the symbol of the purity and modesty because Elul is month of repentance and return to Hashem. Virgo symbolizes the permanent aspiration for perfection, self-purification and special inner beauty.

From the very beginning of time the days of Elul are those of benevolence. It is exactly those days when prophet Moses climbed a mountain of Sinai, fell down and worshipped the G-d asking Him to forgive Israel for the sin of Golden Calf. Since then days of Elul were chosen and established as those of special mercy and benevolence in all generations - so that they would become the basis and the reason for repentance and atonement of sins.

Despite one can repent and return to Hashem at any moment, days of Elul give the best fit for that if compared to all other days of the year. These days Hashem accepts our repentance with more readiness. Because forgiveness and kindness is awaken in Heavens in Elul and our confession is taken there much easier.

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