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ImageThird Month is Sivan
Total visits: 5292

Sivan is the third month of Biblical calendar. The constellation of Gemini corresponds to it. This is a light hint for prophet Moses and high priest Aharon who were equal in their significance and to whom Tora was presented in this month. It was on the first of Sivan when Israel settled their camp by the mount of Sinai.

ImageSecond Month is Iyyar
Total visits: 4788

Iyyar is the second month of Biblical calendar. The name of month is of Babylonian origin. It's called the month of Ziv (light or buds - Biblical language translation) in TaNaCh. The month of light because it is exactly in Iyyar when Sun starts shining at its full capacity, but doesn't scorch as it does in summer.

ImageFirst Month is Nisan
Total visits: 12490

Nisan is the name of the month descends from Aramaic language which was spoken in the Babylonian Empire. The name refers to spring. Tora called Nisan the head and the king of months of the year as far as counting all months starts precisely with it. The word has the same root as Nitsan (bud - Biblical language translation).

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