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Noahide Prayer Booklet in Russian

Создана: 03.01.2011   |   Всего просмотров: 8394

Инициирована: Director Ask Noah

Director Ask NoahДобавлено: 03.01.2011

Dear Friends!
It has been a long time since I posted on your forum! I want to let you all know (and please spread the word!) that we have published this booklet:
"Молитвы, Благословения, Принципы Веры и Служения Всевышнему для Ноахидов."
It is a professional Russian translation of our booklet "Prayers, Blessings, Principles of Faith, and Divine Service for Noahides," by Rabbi Moshe Weiner (Jerusalem) and Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet (Toronto, Canada).
For lowest price, it can be ordered directly from Asknoah.org. It is also available from Judaism.com and Amazon.com.
**We are looking for distributors for this booklet in Russia and bordering countries.**
Also, we have a Bulgarian translation of a significant amount of our book "The Divine Code," which teaches the Torah-true principles and precepts of Noahidism. The link to this PDF file is on our home page, Asknoah.org.
May you go from strength to strength in learning and observing the Noahide Code, and in sincere payer to HaShem, and through this may you develop an increasingly personal relationship with HaShem.
Best wishes to all,
Dr. Michael Schulman
Executive Director,
Ask Noah International and United Noahide Academies
The world will be filled with the knowledge of G-d...

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